facebook Elves Lab | Email Setup on iPhone & Android Devices
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Setting Up Email Account


Step 1:

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Launch the Email app.

Step 2:

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Tap on "Add New Account".

Step 3:

website creative development design agency Singapore in ecommerce

Type your email address and password and select "manual setup" to continue.

Step 4:

website creative development design agency Singapore in ecommerce

In the manual setup section, select "POP3 account".

Step 5:

website creative development design agency Singapore in ecommerce

Complete the form in the format shown below:
Incoming Mail Server
Username: yourname@yourdomain.com
Password: youremailpassword
POP3Server: mail.yourdomain.com
SecurityType: None
Port: Leave as default
Outgoing Mail Server
HostName: mail.yourdomain.com

Step 6:

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Complete the form in the format shown below:
Outgoing Mail Server
SMTP Server: mail.yourdomain.com
SecurityType: None
Port: Leave as default
Require sign-in: Checked
Username: youremailaddress
Password: youremailpassword
Outgoing Mail Server
HostName: mail.yourdomain.com

Step 7:

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Tap sign in, and your email setup on Android phone is done.
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*Invalid Email Format

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